Cloud Solutions

All-encompassing cloud computing consulting and implementation services.


Solutions we offer



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Cloud computing consulting and implementation.

As Australia embraces digital transformation, the focus has shifted to maximising cloud investments to sustain and advance businesses, industries, and communities.

Our approach prioritises what matters most to you — succeeding with new business models and optimising your time and resources, while maintaining control and leveraging the cloud to your preference.

Whether you need a bit of guidance or a fully managed service, we’ll steer you in the right direction, simplify your journey, and ensure you’re optimised to innovate securely at scale.

Turn the imaginable into reality with Internet Cloud.

Cloud solutions we offer

Hosting cloud

A curated, high performance cloud hosting & software platform that provides a fully managed and simplified experience for any business dependent on the web.

Cloud servers

High-powered dedicated servers with cloud flexibility and scalability. Empowering business and community to build the applications that will power our world.

Private cloud

Hybrid infrastructure for organisations that have resource intensive, mission-critical applications that require security, speed, scale, and redundancy.

Support services

Best-in-class infrastructure + dynamic cloud capabilities + Australian, expert support.


Unlock unparalleled efficiency with our seamless
integration of applications into your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Internet Cloud used for?
Internet Cloud, your trusted cloud services partner, ensures your web applications remain fast, scalable, and secure. Our expert team handles server management, freeing you from technical hassles. Prioritise what truly matters to you, while we provide a diverse range of plans and services, catering to web applications of all sizes.
What type of applications do you host?
Small businesses, developers, e-commerce stores, and enterprises seeking growth and scalability rely on Internet Cloud hosting. We specialise in hosting open-source, PHP-based web applications.

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